It's that time of year to consider my blessings a bit more than I do through out the year.Over the past 5 years I almost feel I've been living a charmed life. I have a wonderful job with an amazing family and great benefits-experiencing a different part of the state, travel, meeting neat people, etc.-my job also allows me a good amout of time to spend with my family. Anyone who really knows me knows that my family is the most important thing to me...I adore them and am very blessed that we all get along so well. I belive that because of the blessing of my job I am able to be open to helping others and filling in a gap when needed. Right now I am laid off from my job, since July, and even though money has been tight I have been able to do things that money couldn't buy. I've been a farmer this summer, something I've been serously considering getting into, I've learned alot about what it would take to make it my career and about myself as a person. I have also gotten to spend more time with my lovelies, two boys who I used to nanny for and who are very dear to me. They've gone through a very rough year and God has really been good and made it so I could be with them, and that's not just good for them but also good for my sanity as I worry about them and what they've been through. Being laid off has also allowed me to fill in at my parent's church for the past month or so as the secretary. Their pastor became ill and went into the hospital on the church secretary's last day of work-how amazing that I could be available to fill in like that at a time of great need.Today in Sunday School we talked about our "rights", those things we have available to us or we feel entitled to. It was brought up that I chose to use my time off to serve the church and how God would bless me but I feel like I've already been blessed beyond measure. I don't feel as if I am making any kind of sacrifice or that I've ever done anything to diserve the blessings God has given me. The scripture reference was about Naomi and Ruth and how Ruth gave up her "rights" to stay and take care of her mother-in-law and how God blessed her. Ruth didn't ever seem to feel badly about what she sacrificed, she did it out of love and concern for Naomi...she didn't go expecting something for choosing not to go back to her family and remarry, she simply wanted to be of service to God by caring for an old woman who had no where to go and no way to support herself. While my life isn't near as hard as Ruth's was I do feel my service is similar to hers...given without question and expecting nothing in return. I thank God that He's put me in the position I'm in...yes, it's been hard to live on less money and deal with uncertain times but above it all I know God holds me in His hands and is guiding my footsteps. I feel that my service is the only way to thank Him near enough for all of the blessings He's given me.