Tuesday, December 16, 2008

More down...

I've lost 5 more pounds! Happy, happy, joy, joy!

Thursday, September 25, 2008

Baese's Harvest Party-Bonfire and Hayride

When: October 4, 2008
Time: 5pm-Whenever
Where: The Baese Farm

Hotdogs and drinks provided-bring a dish to pass-BYOB

If you have any questions, need directions just message me!

Thursday, September 11, 2008

It's Almost Fall!

Whew! It's been awhile... Work has been keeping me fairly busy and with the kids back to school it's made things a little more interesting. I've been here and there between work, Christine's place and The Farm. I feel a bit like a nomad and it's starting to get a little old.

Facebook has been keeping me quite busy for the last few days as I've found and been found by some old friends. It's been fun catching up with them and seeing where life has taken them.

Working on plans for the girls weekend in Chicago in November. We're considering staying at the hostel downtown, if anyone has any experience staying there please share. The girls want to have dinner at The Village at Italian Village Restaurants again. We had such a good time their on our trip last year. Next week I'll post some photos from that trip.


Saturday, July 26, 2008

Some Pictures

Monday, July 14, 2008

The Big 3-0!

It's my birthday! It's my birthday! Woo hoo!

I've been asked a few times if I feel 30 or is it hard to be turning 30 but really it's not been a big deal for me. I did have a little bit of an issue, a 1/4 life crisis I suppose, when I turned 25 but this year just isn't setting anything off. I feel like I just don't have anything to prove right now. I feel comfortable with myself and where I'm at in my life. Life changes and I just don't mind that, I've always been kind of a go with the flow person and it's just being enhanced the older I get. Oh, don't get me wrong, there are still things that bother me or that I let get me down more than necessary but that's a part of life too. I just don't seem to hang on to them as much and have been figuring out how to not sweat the small stuff.
So, thank you to everyone that has wished me well! And if you've got a moment tell me at what age, if any, you stressed out about the number and if you've gotten beyond that share a pearl of wisdom, or 2 or 3, that you've learned.

Friday, July 11, 2008

Business Plan

Well, I've decided to write up a business plan for the hardware even though it's not likely to happen. Just so that I can say I've done it and tryed something new.

If anyone's got any tips on writing a business plan I'm open to reading them.

Monday, July 07, 2008

Pipe Dream

I've got a pipe dream...I'd like to buy the hardware store in my "hometown" and move back up there to run it. I have a sister that would be able to help me out on the business end and a friend that would be able to help out with knowledge of a hardware so that'd be all set. What makes it a pipe dream? I'd never be able to afford it unless I won the lottery or some ailing relative decided to will me their large estate...lol I have always thought it would be neat to own some kind of store and in a small town like that it could be quite interesting too. I would condense the store down to be more like what it used to be and use the extra space for a community kitchen where people could come in and do their canning or cook/bake something they'd sell at a store or farmers market. It would be so fun and I love the idea of being able to help the people in the community like that. So if anyone finds it within themselves to fund my pipe dream just email me ;)

What's your pipe dream? You know, that thing that you'd love to do but unless a miracle happened or you all of a sudden came into a massive amount of money it isn't likely to happen.

Saturday, June 07, 2008


Well, the weather is one very noticeable change! Went from quite a chilly spring to a hot and humid one. There've been some thunder storms blowing through and the sky has got that haze that just screams moisture in the air. I do enjoy it being warm because it's nicer to swim then and I love to swim!

I'm a little slow on updating with what's been happening but a big update is my new niece is here! Her name is Clarissa and she's a darling, aren't most babies ;)

Here's me with the little cutie!

Arlexis is quite taken with her, especially since she's a girl, and that's fun to watch. Clarissa hasn't spit up on her yet though so we'll see what happens then because it's bound to happen one of these days. She's just over two weeks old and it's quite amazing how much she's changed already!

No big plans for the summer. I've got the last two weeks of this month off because th nanny family are going on vacation and I'm hoping to fill in some of that time by going up north and some with babysitting to earn some extra money.

I have been looking into going to massage school. There is a very good one down here and I think having something like that would really help to solidify where I'm headed with life. I think after I got through with that I might be able to move back north and get training to be a doula which would add another dimension to my skills. We'll see...


Monday, May 12, 2008


I've decided I'd like to do more cooking/baking so I can work on getting more of the whole grains and other goodness I need to be more healthy. This weekend I made up these very tasty muffins and figured I'd share the recipe so that you all could enjoy the healthy, yummy goodness for yourselves. I made these with spelt flour, both the regular and whole grain, and I made two batches using the buttermilk for one and the yougurt (fat free vanilla) for the other-I think the buttermilk is a little more smooth but really they both taste great. I think that this could easily be adapted using another kind of fruit instead of apples so you can use whatever you've got fresh at the time. Enjoy!

whole wheat apple muffins
(adapted from king arthur flour)
1 cup (4 ounces) whole wheat flour
1 cup (4 1/4 ounces) all-purpose flour
1 teaspoon baking powder
1 teaspoon baking soda
1/4 teaspoon salt1 tablespoon cinnamon
1/2 cup (1 stick, 4 ounces) unsalted butter, at room temperature
1/2 cup (3 1/2 ounces) granulated sugar
1/2 cup dark brown sugar, packed
1 large egg, lightly beaten
1 cup (8 ounces) buttermilk or yogurt
2 large apples, peeled, cored, and coarsely chopped
Preheat the oven to 450°F. Grease and flour an 18 cup muffin tin and set aside.
Mix together the flours, baking powder, baking soda, salt, and cinnamon, and set aside. In a separate bowl, cream the butter and add the granulated sugar and 1/4 cup of the brown sugar. Beat until fluffy. Add the egg and mix well; stop once to scrape the sides and bottom of the bowl. Mix in the buttermilk gently (If you over-mix, the buttermilk will cause the mixture to curdle.) Stir in the dry ingredients and fold in the apple chunks.
Divide the batter evenly among the prepared muffin cups, sprinkling the remaining 1/4 cup brown sugar on top. Bake for 10 minutes, turn the heat down to 400°F, and bake for an additional 5 to 10 minutes, or until a toothpick inserted into the center of a muffin comes out clean. Cool the muffins for 5 minutes in the tin, then turn them out onto a wire rack to cool completely.

Tuesday, May 06, 2008


Well, I'm going to be an auntie again before too long here. Will and Renee, who were married last July, will be having their baby soon. The due date is May 13, at her appointment last week the doctor told her she was looking good and could go at anytime.

Arlexis had some misgivings about welcoming her new cousin when she first found out that they were having a baby but I think she has settled in and will do just fine with him/her. I can see how she would struggle a little with having a new baby around since she is an only child and has been the only niece/grandchild on our side of the family for almost 13 years. I think it helps that I live down here near her, though with grandma and grandpa living so much closer to the baby she might still feel a bit bummed about sharing them.

Will and Renee decided not to find out what they were having so there have been all sorts of predictions. Renee thinks she's having a girl but my mom and I think she's having a boy...Arlexis was hoping for a girl but I think she doesn't care so much anymore. Based on the Chinese Zodiac she is having a boy and they tried the pin on the string thing a couple of weeks ago and once it was a girl and once it was a boy. So we're all still waiting to find out what it'll be...lol

Some Pictures...

I've been uploading a back log of pictures and wanted to share some of them...

Arlexis after she had her hair chopped off

Renee, Will and their first baby Dixie

Arlexis with her cousin Dixie

Me and Mom working on the farm

On our road trip in Kentucky

Dirty Little Secret...

Okay, so it's not so much dirty but it is my little secret, I suppose not anymore after I post it here...lol

I signed up for Eharmony. Yeah, laugh all you want but they were having some three month deal and after the blind date I decided I might as well jump in and take a shot. I'm giving it three months and if nothing comes of it so be it. In the past month I've "connected" with any guy that was matched with me that was geographically desireable and seemed remotely interesting, that's well over 100 men and only 1 has written me back. Now I know many people sign up and don't become paid members but you can't tell me that only 1 on my list is. Whatever...lol

So there you go, that's my dirty little secret...

Thursday, April 24, 2008


(At rehearsal for Will and Renee's wedding...
not the most attractive picture but it'll do.)

I'm singing at my cousin Amy's wedding on Saturday. Lucky for me she chose the same song that I sang at Will and Renee's wedding last summer so that makes it a bit easier on me. Which turns out to be a great thing because last Saturday night I lost my voice. It's been doing a little back and forth getting better, today is the best day so far and I'm praying it just keeps getting better. I think if I were to have to do it today it would sound just fine. I haven't practiced the song all week because I've been attempting to rest my voice, along with drinking crazy amounts of hot water with honey and lemon.

I feel really nice getting to be a part of this day with Amy because of the situation that comes with it. Her dad, my uncle, was killed several years ago and she's the first daughter to get married. I don't know what it is about daughters who have lost their dads and them getting married but I think it's going to be an emotional wedding. She's got an older brother that's married and I just can't remember how it was for his wedding, in fact I can't even remember if I was there. I assume I was but I just don't remember. Her two brothers are walking her down the aisle and the younger of the two, Glen, is giving her away. So at that point losing my voice won't be the issue, the crying will.

I wish many blessings to Amy and Ryan and the new life they'll be beginning together!

Wednesday, April 16, 2008

Busy Weekend!

Headed up north on Friday evening, with Christine and Arlexis, so we could meet the girls for my cousin Amy's bachelorette party. We met at a hotel where some of the girls would be staying that night, my parents met us there so they could take my niece Arlexis back home with them. Went to a comedy show that was good, the first guy was horrible but the second two were very funny. After that we went to Rum Runners, a dance club on the ground floor and a piano bar up stairs. We set up camp up stairs to listen to the piano playing and singing for awhile then headed down stairs to dance. It was a great evening!
Saturday I got to sleep in for a bit and then lazed around until lunch time. After lunch I rode into town with Renee and Sarah so they could do some grocery shopping and I could pick up some things for our Yahtzee party that night. Went back to Renee's to help her unload her groceries and get a few things for dinner. Had dinner at the farm with Will, Renee, Christine, Arlexis, Zac and Sarah. The boys layed down in the living room while we played Yahtzee in the kitchen. We, Christine, Sarah, Renee and I, have become Yahtzee fanatics. Christine and I play a few times a week here in the south while Sarah and Renee do the same in the north and then when Christine and I go north we get together and play. It has become quite funny but a very good time. We're talking about having a Yahtzee tournament one day where you've got to buy in and the money going to the winner.
Sunday I went to church with my mom and Arlexis, we came home and relaxed and then went to Amy's bridal shower. After the shower Christine, Arlexis and I drove back south. I was tired out! And just think, I get to do that all over again for the next two weekends-Renee's baby shower is this weekend and Amy's wedding, which I'm singing at, is the following weekend. Yay!

Thursday, April 10, 2008

Family Photo

Here's our family photo from the wedding...


Here are Becki and Phyllis in aprons that I've made. They make great models!

Susan G. Komen Race For The Cure

My friend Becki is going to do the Race for the Cure later this month. If you would like to make a donation to sponsor her please visit Becki's Race Page. Thank you!


I'm not certain that I can put into words how much I like music. I wouldn't say I like all music, I don't care for songs that I can't make out the lyrics or ones with vulgar lyrics and the like, but I do like many different styles. Country, rock, jazz, classical, christian, r&b... My bosses handed me down K's ipod when she got a new one and I've been having such a good time adding all these songs that I'm infatuated with. I have a habit of hearing a song I really like and then listening to it constantly. Yesterday I purchased 4 new songs and they've been played fairly steadily since then... "Clumsy"-Fergie, "Come Home"-OneRepublic, "Whisper His Name"-Deluge and "In Better Hands Now"-Natalie Grant. I seem to be very into message songs, ones that make me think or really touch something in me and sometimes make me cry...okay, asside from "Clumsy"...lol
I also am crazy into the soundtrack from "Across the Universe"...you can find my tribute in an earlier entry ;)

Tuesday, April 01, 2008


I started a liver cleanse today...should be an interesting time. I do four days of a Seneca Indian cleanse, three days of the Master Cleanse and then four days of the Seneca Indian cleanse. I get to eat some for the Seneca Indian cleanse and then nothing for the Master Cleanse-just a mixture of water, lemon juice, maple syrup and cyanne pepper.

Today I could eat only fruit. It's not been too bad, I don't actually feel hungry I just keep having to remind myself that I'm choosing to do this. When I think of foods as "can't have" things I want them but when I can get myself to think about the health benefits and that this is a choice I do just fine. Here's to my health!

Monday, March 31, 2008

And the winner is...

Sorry for the delay in the drawing but the day after the date I was wisked away on a family boondoggle for a few days and when we got back it was just one thing after another to do. So here I am to announce the winner...after using http://www.mdani.demon.co.uk/para/random.htm it came up with the number 2 which makes 100 Percent Cottam the winner! Congratulations! Please email your address to me at leezardehb @ gmail . com

The date went well and we even went on a second one this past weekend but I think that's probably about as far as it's going to go. When he was described as quiet that wasn't an understatement! Nice as can be but I felt like I was interviewing someone half of the time and the other half I felt as if I were talking to myself. Oh well...ya don't get anywhere if you don't try.

Thank you to everyone that joined in this drawing, I really enjoyed reading all of your experiences!

Wednesday, March 12, 2008

You Know You've Lost Weight When...(and a Message)

Last night I went to a Cub Scout banquet with my nanny family, a fun program that moved nannyboy from a Cub Scout to a Boy Scout. Before the event started we were all around talking to people and I went over to sit with nannygirl who was talking to a neighbor of ours. This woman is someone that I've worked for, she owns a daycare and I've filled in for her when she's had to be away, so we know each other well enough. I sat down and said hi, she looked at me and said, "Hi, I'm Kim." as if she didn't know who I was. At first I thought she was just joking around but then she didn't start laughing right away so I got this puzzled look on my face. She then gasped, laughed and said, "Oh, Liz, it's you!" more laughter and chatter and then, "What have you done with yourself?" in reference to her not recognizing me right away. I said, "Well, I got my hair cut and I've lost 30 pounds.", "That's it!" she said, "Good for you!" and on we chatted. I can't tell you how good that felt!

I took my niece out to lunch yesterday as she didn't have school for an in service day. I picked up an alternative newspaper that was in the entryway and read through it while we were waiting for our food (Lex was reading a book for school at this time). After lunch we read a little more and I came across the Free Will Astrology section. Now, I have to say that I'm not big on this kind of thing, I'd say I read them on occasion for entertainment. This one really caught my attention though so I ripped the page out and brought it home so I could post it on my bedroom mirror.

"Cancer (June 21-July 22): In the Tibetan Buddhist tradition, prayer flags are sets of brightly colored sacramental cloths that are inscribed with holy words and images of deities. They're not designed for indoor use in solemn ceremonies, but are hung outside where the wind blows their blessings to the heavens and all over the world. I recommend that you draw inspiration from this practice. It's a perfect time to take your spiritual yearnings away from the church and temple and mosque, and beyond all sheltered, temperature-controlled trappings. Build a shrine in the wilderness, Cancerian. Sing a hymn from a mountaintop, or create your own homemade prayer flags and hang them from a tree."

Wow! That is something that I really needed to read! I've been attending this new church that is quite active, wonderful praise and worship and the pastor is a great speaker-very motivating and makes me think about things much more deeply. I haven't taken the plung to get active yet and put my faith more out in the open. This says to me that I need to step outside myself and my comfort zone so I can shine in a way that I've always wanted to. Someday when I've got a tree to hang prayer flags on I may do just that!

Tuesday, March 11, 2008

Pictures of My Fun Date!

Our Heads...

Our feet...after we traded shoes

Hula hoop...



Playing around...

Blessed Event Drawing!

I've decided that in honor of my Blessed Event, aka. first blind date, I am going to hold a drawing for one of my reversible farmgirl aprons. (Check my aprons out --->>HERE!) I haven't decided which one I'm going to give up but as soon as I do I'll post a photo of it.

In order to be entered into the drawing you must comment to this post and tell me about the best date you've ever been on. I don't care if it was what others might consider boring or weird or whatever, I just want to know which one, or more than one, was the best, funnest, etc. I'll start off by sharing my favorite...

I was about 20 when this one took place, I'd been doing a summer community theatre show with this guy and he and I just seemed to hit it off so the night of the last show we were getting ready to go out for the last scene, it was a quick change so I was generally running to the wing and squeezing in front of him shortly before I had to walk onto the stage and I got up the nerve to turn around and ask him if he'd go on a date with me and to my surprise he smiled really big and said "of course!". This was out of character for me because I had a pretty dim view of myself at that time having just come out of high school, being overweight and having been picked on a lot, I wasn't certain that any guy would be interested in me. We decided to meet up at a coffee shop since we were both coming from 15-20 miles in opposite directions. We drove together and bought a disposable camera and proceeded to use up the whole thing in about an hour taking silly pictures of each other and together at all sorts of places (parking lots, inside a toy store, outside a hardware, etc.). After the pictures were all taken we dropped the camera off for one hour developing and then went to have coffee and talk. I don't think I'd talked to a guy like he and I talked, we talked about everything and I didn't feel the least bit uncomfortable. After coffee we picked up the pictures, looked at them for a bit and then went to see "Saving Private Ryan" where he held my hand and squeezed it when the gory parts came on. When the movie was over we walked out holding hands and drove back to his car at the coffee shop. He told me he was having a hard time getting out so we talked for a bit longer and when he opened the door to get out he turned back around and kissed me, he went to get out again then turned around and kissed me again and then that happened once more. I don't know how I drove home...lol

So, that was my best date, not just because of the kissing and how sweet he was about it but because it had been so much fun. If I can find the pictures I'll scan them and post a few. Now it's your turn! The drawing will be open until March 21st, the date that the Blessed Event is slated to take place...yes, that happens to be Good Friday and I'm hoping the holiness of that day will play on normal-ness of the event...lol

Sunday, March 09, 2008

I'm In LOVE...

No, there's no man in my life...well, no physical man anyway...lol I picked up the movie Across The Universe and have fallen in love with it...the music, the imagery and Jim Sturgess who plays Jude. So there is a man but not a man I'll ever really have :p If you haven't seen this movie yet, I highly recomend you rent, buy borrow it or, if nothing else, you check out the music from it because it's so good. If you're a hard core Beatles fan it may not be up your alley because it's all Beatles music but most of it's been redone in ways that aren't the "classic" Beatles. You can learn about the movie here... Across The Universe and check out the trailer here... Trailer on Youtube.

I'm so into this movie that I watch it about once a week, when I'm at my sister's apartment doing some sewing I put it on because there's so much good music that you don't have to be able to see what's going on to enjoy it. I won't lie, the move is probably a bit out there for some...it is very Beatles from my limited experience. If you look at how several of their songs you have to really read the lyrics and think about what they mean, parts of this movie are like that too. Oh, I love it!

Monday, March 03, 2008

Blind Date?

My brother, Will, asked me if I'd go out on a blind date with a friend of a friend. He's never met the guy but he's been told he's very nice, quiet and clean. Clean? lol...that made me laugh. My one question was "What does he do for a living?", that was the one thing he apparently didn't know but I felt was more important then knowing what the guy looked like. For me anyway... I told him I'd consider it.

I haven't really dated in several years. I just haven't had much interest in putting myself out there and there hasn't really been anyone that's struck my fancy that much. I think it's more that I'm afraid to put myself out there but I can't say I regret the lack of dating I've done because my life has been pretty darn good over the years. I'm a bit nervous though and I haven't even said yes yet. Apparently the guy is quiet, I'm also quiet (especially one on one with someone I've never met) so that could be a little issue. Will said his friend who was interested in setting us up said he thought it'd be better if we did a one on one date but I think I'd be more comfortable with more of a group date, not a double date but maybe a get together with some people at someones house but if this guy is that quiet we might never talk with other people around. I don't know... Maybe I'm thinking about this too much...that wouldn't be anything new...lol

My name is Elizabeth and I'm an over analyzer...

If you've got an experience with blind dating I'd love to hear it!

Saturday, February 23, 2008

Garden Goose!

Check out the Garden Goose blog, she's got some fun drawings going on for the end of this month!

Also check out the Small Town Living site...they have some great articles that I'm sure you'd enjoy reading!

Hope you all are having a fun end of winter!

Monday, February 18, 2008

Keepsake Canvas Giveaway

Check out Pumpkin Seed's (aka. Rebekah) blog and get in on her keepsake canvas giveaway! She makes these neat themed canvases, for special occasions and such, that you can have guests sign or decorate in some way to comemorate your occasion. Such a neat and creative idea!

Saturday, February 09, 2008

It's official...

I have lost 22 pounds! I stepped on the scale at the doctor's office and started crying. Silly? Yes, but it was an amazing confirmation that I'm doing something right. I'm beyond excited and trying not to be obnoxious in telling everyone I know...lol Yay me!

Friday, January 25, 2008

I've Been Tagged!

http://countrygirldreams.blogspot.com/ Lainey tagged me so here's how it goes...

These are the RULES:Link to the person that tagged you. Which I did. Post the rules on your blog. Share 7 random and/or weird facts about yourself on your blog. Tag 7 random people at the end of your post and include links to their blogs. Let each person know that they have been tagged by leaving a comment on their blog.

7 random and/or weird facts about me:

  • I like putting my hair in pigtails...it makes me feel like I'm a little girl again!
  • I'm learning to like jogging thanks to having an eliptical at work...whoda thunk?
  • I like to go driving, to just get in my car and be in control.
  • I love the dress that I bought to wear to my brother's wedding last July and I don't know when I'll wear it again but I am looking forward to it because it was so fun and actually looked really good on me.
  • I have at least 8 aprons cut out that I have yet to sew and at least 15 yards of fabric just waiting for me to use on aprons.
  • When I was a kid I delivered newspapers with my siblings in our little village.
  • I was once dragged by a car for about 5 or so yards.

Now it's these ladies turn to share!

Susan - http://www.foodiefarmgirl.blogspot.com/

Jenny - http://www.auntjennysworld.blogspot.com/

Nancy-Jo - http://www.nancy-jo.blogspot.com/

Sue - http://www.countrypleasures.blogspot.com/

The Hansen Family - http://hansenhootenanny.blogspot.com/

Sunshine - http://sunshinescreations.vintagethreads.com/

Christina - http://www.justcallmemausi.blogspot.com/

Thursday, January 24, 2008

Check out this great give away!

Go on over to A Mom in Red High Heels and check out her current give away! It's a $300 dollar package that'd be great for any mom-to-be. Here are some of the prizes in the package...

  • A mama lisa tee with green/pink from georgie tees. I’ve told you how much I love this tee (can be worn by non-pregnant mamas as well…) and appreciate georgie tees donating this to the winner! Go check out their cool, fun line of maternity and infant tees!
  • Rock Star Momma book by Skye Hoppus- learn all the ways to look fabulous during pregnancy with this book!
  • Belli Pregnancy Gift Set- Features 4 oz. sizes of Pampered Pregnancy Body Wash and All Day Moisture Body Lotion as well as 2 oz. sizes of Elasticity Belly Oil, Skin Smoothing Body Exfoliator and Foot Relief Cream.

Now you've got to go over and check out what else she's got and if you decide to enter the drawing post my name and the link to my blog so I can be entered a few more times! Deadline Jan. 27th!

Thursday, January 17, 2008

As Little As $25.00...


So I came across this site from a blog I was checking out and it looked like a really neat idea. I love the idea of being able to lend $25, or more if you're able, to help someone else change their life. It's not just a simple donation it's lending the money and it gets paid back so you can take the money back or loan it to another person in need. Check it out if you get a chance!

Wednesday, January 09, 2008

Girl Scout cookies?

Anyone interested in buying some? Lex is taking orders until the 26th of this month...email me... leezardehb @ gmail . com without the spaces :)

New Hair Cut

Here's what I went with...

She took off about 7 inches and layered it a little. I really like how it turned out :)

Thursday, January 03, 2008

New Year...New Haircut...Need Your Help!

Happy New Year! (Just a few days late...)

I'm looking to update my haircut for the year and I need some suggestions, hopefully with pictures. What do you think I should do to my hair? Right now it's long, probably 3 or so inches past my shoulders so I've got plenty of options, I just have no idea what I want to do with it. I don't want to go way short but I am willing to go a good 6-10 inches shorter than it is now if I could find something I really liked. So if you've got any suggestions feel free to share! I've got an appt. on Saturday to get it done so any inspiration would be greatly appreciated :)

Here's what I look like right now to give you some inspiration...