Well, the weather is one very noticeable change! Went from quite a chilly spring to a hot and humid one. There've been some thunder storms blowing through and the sky has got that haze that just screams moisture in the air. I do enjoy it being warm because it's nicer to swim then and I love to swim!
I'm a little slow on updating with what's been happening but a big update is my new niece is here! Her name is Clarissa and she's a darling, aren't most babies ;)
Here's me with the little cutie!
Arlexis is quite taken with her, especially since she's a girl, and that's fun to watch. Clarissa hasn't spit up on her yet though so we'll see what happens then because it's bound to happen one of these days. She's just over two weeks old and it's quite amazing how much she's changed already!
No big plans for the summer. I've got the last two weeks of this month off because th nanny family are going on vacation and I'm hoping to fill in some of that time by going up north and some with babysitting to earn some extra money.
I have been looking into going to massage school. There is a very good one down here and I think having something like that would really help to solidify where I'm headed with life. I think after I got through with that I might be able to move back north and get training to be a doula which would add another dimension to my skills. We'll see...
You would be an awesome doula. If I ever was stricken with the affliction of pregnancy, I'd want you to be my doula.
I just became an aunt again on the 9th too. Your neice is so precious! I just love babies, my youngest is 11. They sure grow up quick! Enjoy them while you can! Karen/Ga. Girl
Thank you for the vote of confidence Bekah. If you were stricken with that affliction I would be there for you! ;)
Congratulations to you too Karen!
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