Thursday, April 24, 2008


(At rehearsal for Will and Renee's wedding...
not the most attractive picture but it'll do.)

I'm singing at my cousin Amy's wedding on Saturday. Lucky for me she chose the same song that I sang at Will and Renee's wedding last summer so that makes it a bit easier on me. Which turns out to be a great thing because last Saturday night I lost my voice. It's been doing a little back and forth getting better, today is the best day so far and I'm praying it just keeps getting better. I think if I were to have to do it today it would sound just fine. I haven't practiced the song all week because I've been attempting to rest my voice, along with drinking crazy amounts of hot water with honey and lemon.

I feel really nice getting to be a part of this day with Amy because of the situation that comes with it. Her dad, my uncle, was killed several years ago and she's the first daughter to get married. I don't know what it is about daughters who have lost their dads and them getting married but I think it's going to be an emotional wedding. She's got an older brother that's married and I just can't remember how it was for his wedding, in fact I can't even remember if I was there. I assume I was but I just don't remember. Her two brothers are walking her down the aisle and the younger of the two, Glen, is giving her away. So at that point losing my voice won't be the issue, the crying will.

I wish many blessings to Amy and Ryan and the new life they'll be beginning together!


Unknown said...

crud! i just whipped out my gorgeous and lovely apron to do a little cleaning and it dawned on me - i don't think i ever got in touch with you to THANK YOU for it! oh my gravy. i'm so sorry. i've been a little scattered lately. anyway, THANKS so very much! it is SO cute, i love the fabrics you picked! it definitely makes me feel a little more glamorous while scrubbing toilets! :) and cooking, of course...if and when i get to that! anyway, just had to thank you so much! i need to have my hubby take a pic so i can blog it up! your rock, thanks again!

Autumn said...

I am hoping you have gotten your prize from my blog contes- I mailed it over 2 weeks ago.
Things have been crazy & I was out of town unexpectedly.